Wait a sec, so you’re trying to lose weight fast, eh?
This is exactly what most of us are looking for!
There’s just one big problem.
Quick does not always mean good.
And there’s an ABSURD amount of horrible advice out there for quick weight loss.
Yes i am directly talking about “Weight Loss shakes all day” and “celebrity diets aka rabbit diets.”
Here in APtransformfitness, i actually help people get healthy with things like “science” and “proven strategies that last.”
Below, i’ll share with you a few strategies for safe, sustainable weight loss. I use these as part of my Coaching program and today you’ll learn them too!
According to Silvia Carli, MS, RD, the lead nutritionist with 1AND1 LIFE, the one approach to ditch going into 2022 is fad diets that are too restrictive to be sustainable.
Fad diets become popular because they sometimes work for a short time – weight does come off, but it’s usually from loss of water or lean muscle. While you may lose a decent amount of weight initially, the restrictions imposed by fad diets are unhealthy and unrealistic to maintain – ultimately leading to failure.
Have protein at every meal
“One of the best things to help people manage their appetite is to spread their protein out fairly evenly over three meals,” says Weisenberger. I recommend about 25-50 grams of protein at each meal because protein helps with satiety. And, equally important, it’s needed to stimulate muscle synthesis.
During weight loss, it’s very easy to lose muscle along with fat, adds Weisenberger. Eating adequate protein can help to prevent this from happening—and that’s important since muscle burns more calories than fat tissue.
Many people make the mistake of moving into healthy eating by only paying attention to lowering carbs, but it is essential to include enough protein to help keep the metabolism going.
But not all protein sources are created equal—a fatty cut of beef, for instance, is a less healthy protein choice for weight loss than a serving of shrimp, which is packed with protein and essential minerals but very low in fat.
High-quality proteins are lean meats like chicken, turkey, lean beef cuts, eggs, low-fat dairy, and plant sources like tofu, tempeh, edamame!
Try the 3-2-1 training method.
I generally recommend to clients that have the time and are serious about losing weight the 3-2-1 approach: three days a week of heavy weight lifting, one to two days a week of HIIT or Tabata to get your heart rate up, and one day a week of endurance training (like cycling, jogging, or walking)
Whether or not you follow the 3-2-1 method to a T, the important thing to remember is to mix it up. Experts say the ideal exercise regimen will include a combination of both cardio and resistance training. Because even though some cardio workouts may burn more immediate calories than strength training, research indicates that resistance training causes your metabolism to kick into high gear for longer causing you to burn more calories in the long run.
Eat at least three cups of vegetables a day.
Upping your veggie intake is one habit that’s bound to support weight loss—by filling up on these nutrient-dense, high-fiber foods that also tend to be super low in calories and fat, you’re less likely to overdo it on less healthy options. Specifically, Melody Sayers, MS, RDN, NASM-CPT, advises eating at least three cups of vegetables daily—one cup at each meal.
According to Sayers, diversity is key here. So, challenge yourself to “eat the rainbow” and incorporate a few different kinds of vegetables on your plate, and regularly switch it up when shopping for produce at the grocery store.
“This is because different colored vegetables contain different micronutrients,” says Sayers. “For example, dark green leafy vegetables provide calcium, iron, and Vitamin K, whereas carrots and sweet potatoes are high in Vitamin A.”
Go for a combo of fiber and protein at breakfast.
A balanced breakfast means having a source of both protein and fiber for maximum satiating power. Having just carbs—for example, cereal, toast, or a bagel—spikes your blood sugar quickly and leads to subsequent crashes.
Instead, start by choosing a fiber-rich carb (like oatmeal or sprouted whole-grain bread) and level it up by adding protein (like nuts, an egg, or nonfat cottage cheese). Ideally, i would recommend aiming for at least 20-30 grams of protein at breakfast time.
Have a plan.
This is incredibly important to be able to lose weight AND keep it off! I believe we make better decisions when we plan ahead of time and not on the moment.
For this reason, I highly advise planning out your meals and snacks as much as possible. For example:
Create a list of three to five easy snacks you can always choose from, so you’re not scrambling to eat whatever’s most convenient when you get hungry mid-afternoon.
On Sunday or Monday, meal prep and pre-portion lunches to take to work for the next few days.
Create a personalized menu for your favorite restaurants that includes wholesome choices.
Decide before going to a party how many drinks you’ll have and stick to that amount.
Figure out before you have a holiday meal with relatives what you will say to “food pushers.”